Another thought-provoking newsletter, thank you!. Shout out to Corliss: well done, you! May your courage be contagious. As a "holic" of coffee and chocolate, I remind us all that the Farm Bill is (of course) overdue to be reauthorized, and the IRA has assigned 19.5 billion dollars to support climate smart agricultural practices. Third Act and Climate Reality are keen to see that those funds are not scooped up by Big Ag for the wrong-kind-of-crops subsidies. So, call King, Collins, and Golden and urge them to do everything possible to ensure that those funds remain in their designated programs. 1st district folks can call Pingree's office and thank her for her great work on the Agricultural Committee. Elect more organic farmers to Congress! And I love the poetry selections! Just say these phrases aloud: "do not tax their lives with forethought of grief" and "day-blind stars waiting with their light". Brilliant! Cletis
Another thought-provoking newsletter, thank you!. Shout out to Corliss: well done, you! May your courage be contagious. As a "holic" of coffee and chocolate, I remind us all that the Farm Bill is (of course) overdue to be reauthorized, and the IRA has assigned 19.5 billion dollars to support climate smart agricultural practices. Third Act and Climate Reality are keen to see that those funds are not scooped up by Big Ag for the wrong-kind-of-crops subsidies. So, call King, Collins, and Golden and urge them to do everything possible to ensure that those funds remain in their designated programs. 1st district folks can call Pingree's office and thank her for her great work on the Agricultural Committee. Elect more organic farmers to Congress! And I love the poetry selections! Just say these phrases aloud: "do not tax their lives with forethought of grief" and "day-blind stars waiting with their light". Brilliant! Cletis