You've Got to Change Your Oily Ways
Plus: 12 Books Third Act Mainers Recommend to Strengthen Your Resistance
February 20, 2023
Check out this send-up video, Change Your Oily Ways.
Made by Alan Weiner of Action for Climate Emergency, it’s right on point about the banks’ money pipeline of new fossil fuel projects and why it has to stop. Watch and share the video!
Now is the time to RESIST! Third Act Maine’s big rally, protesting U.S. big banks’ continued investment in new fossil fuel projects, is coming up in just a month, on March 21 at 3 pm in Monument Square, Portland. Bring your signs! We’ll have music, too and much more. Show us you care about ending the banks’ money pipeline by coming to the rally on March 21 at 3 pm! RSVP here!
If your resistance needs strengthening, we’ve got just the thing. We asked Third Act Maine volunteers for their top recommendations for climate change books. Here are 12 book covers, together with the name of the Third Act Mainer who recommended them. We hope you see some familiar covers—and get to explore some new titles, too.