Third Act Maine keeps growing in numbers, impact—and geography, too. We are thrilled to announce that a hardy band of Third Act Mainers has formed the Central Maine Hub. If you are intrigued about forming a hub in your geographical region, we’d love to hear from you. Email Chuck Spanger,
Central Maine Hub
Welcome, Central Maine Hub! Located in the greater Waterville area, this hub had its third meeting on February 19 with Dick Thomas as its lead organizer. TAM co-founder and hub organizer Chuck Spanger traveled to Waterville to meet with the members in person. The group was encouraged to learn of TAM’s accomplishments and to plan actions of its own. Committees have been formed—to work on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) resolution for Waterville, urge divestment of fossil fuels in Maine Public Employee Retirement System (PERS), and other legislative actions. Dick Thomas wants TAM members to know: if you are scheduling an action that needs a lot of participants, let him know. They are up for a road trip! Dick’s email is
Greater Portland Hub
The Greater Portland Hub will not let the winter weather deter them from drawing attention to dirty banks. They stood out on a bitter cold and windy day in February. You can take action from the comfort of your own homes, too: Urge big banks to stop funding fossil fuel projects that are worsening climate change by signing this petition.
Midcoast Hub
Cletis Boyer reports that the Midcoast Hub “has been in hibernation, but we are re-energized and preparing for action.” Two members, Amy Kroll and Cris Hughes, are representing Third Act Maine (TAM) in the newly founded Waldo County Climate Action Coalition (WCCAC). TAM is one of sixteen founding organizations of this widely inclusive coalition whose mission centers on collaborating to reduce impacts of climate change and to build sustainable communities in Waldo County. WCCAC is planning activities for Earth Day, April 22.
In addition, members of the Midcoast Hub are writing to Representative Jared Golden to protest his joining the Republican Caucus to pass H.R. 7176, "Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024.” This bill would undermine President Biden's laudable decision to pause permits for new LNG terminals. To learn more about the bill, read this article.
We are disappointed that Rep. Golden has endorsed this Republican bill. The bill states that "... the exportation and/or the importation of natural gas is in the public interest" and that this act is "... advancing United States global leadership.” The massive increase of CO2 in the atmosphere from LNG production is definitely not in the public interest.
If you live in Rep. Jared Golden’s district, add to the letters from the Midcoast Hub! Rep. Golden can be contacted via email or old-fashioned snail mail (which really gets people’s attention) at:
The Honorable Jared F. Golden 1710 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515-1902
Greater Farmington Hub
Reflecting on concern about our changing winters, Eileen Kreutz writes, “Up here in the Western Mountains, many of us have spent far too much time in these past wintery weeks learning of our friends and family falling on ice. It has me thinking about how the winters have changed, thanks to climate change.”
At their upcoming meeting in Farmington, they plan to discuss methods of broaching the subject of the current climate emergency by starting conversations with a simple question: Do you remember when winters up here were full of white fluffy stuff, perfect for our skis? Do you remember when every snowfall didn't end with a warming spell turning everything in sight to sheets of ice?
This conversation starter will open the way to move gently, but persuasively into actions individuals can take, including information on local banks and fossil-fuel-funding credit cards which are the focus of Third Act across the nation.
Legislative Action
Support Maine’s Renewable Energy and Curtail Natural Gas
Third Act Maine supports LD 2077, a bill that could potentially save customers money on their gas utility bills and would certainly bolster efforts to turn to renewable, geothermal energy and curtail growth of natural gas service areas. The bill is currently tabled, with efforts underway in committee to negotiate language that could bring it out of committee. As active and informed citizens, we can help by letting the legislators involved know that we support the goals of this bill. To weigh in, contact members of the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology. Committee member information can be found here. (Scroll down and to the left to find members.) Although the date for submitting testimony to the committee has passed, more information and talking points can be found in the Testimony Guide here.
Call to Action:
Contact members of the Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology supporting strong action to support renewable energy and curtail the expansion of natural gas.
Standout in Augusta: Maine PERS Must Divest from Fossil Fuels
“In 2021, Maine became the first state to mandate divestment of state retirement accounts from fossil fuels. Two years later, the Maine Public Employees Retirement System’s Board refuses to implement L.D. 99,” writes Third Act member Charles Spanger in a February 10 letter to the editor in the Portland Press Herald. To bring attention to this blatant disregard of the law by Maine PERS and to put pressure on Maine PERS to abide by the state’s commitment to transition away from fossil fuels, Third Act Mainers will be standing outside the Maine PERS office in Augusta on Thursday, February 29. The law requires Maine PERS to divest from fossil fuels. It’s as simple as that.
Call to Action: Standout at the Maine PERS office in August When: Thursday, February 29 at 1 pm Contact: Chuck Spanger or Bill Rixon,,
Upcoming Event: “Rethinking Climate Action”
On February 28, the York Public Library is hosting a Zoom event with Bill McKibben. Click here for more information and to register.
No Matter Where You Are, Ask Your Town for a Resolution
There is wisdom in the familiar phrase, “All politics is local.” Changing hearts and minds really does start close to home. In that spirit, Third Act Maine has put together a step-by-step guide to getting a resolution in support of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) passed in your town. Why does it matter if your town endorses a proposed international treaty?
It will take a global movement to turn off the spigot of oil and natural gas. A binding Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) is the mechanism to get it done. So how do we pressure nations to create such a treaty? One city at a time.
Tidal Shift: An Art Exhibit at UNE-Biddeford
On exhibit at the UNE Gallery at the Ketchum Library in Biddeford until May 20, 2024, this show presents works from the inaugural season of SEAR, an artist-in-residency program that provides artists the opportunity to live and work on Sears Island in Penobscot Bay. Many of the works on display draw attention to the effects of climate change on the coastal environment, and all of the works serve as poignant reminders of the beauty we stand to lose if we do nothing to address this crisis. To see a slideshow of works from this exhibit, click here.
Great job Third Act Maine on keeping the attention on stopping financing of fossil fuels. I remember when the snow was so high in Bangor the snow reached up to the street signs because we had several foot high snowstorms in a row. No ice , just the fluffy stuff. And the lakes and the bays were not lacking in oxygen that kills the shellfish in todays warming waters. Let’s slow down emissions for the next generations.
Reading this makes me feel really proud of what we do and how well we are doing. McKibben has already complimented us on this issue. MCAN just carried our project of urging our members to get their town councils to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative in their newsletter. If we count our "debut" activity as the 32123 protests against the dirty banks financing fossil fuels, we're not even a year old. Go us!