Dear Third Act Mainer,
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the many new members from all over the state who’ve signed on to our fledgling Maine Third Act working group since our last newsletter went out a month ago. We formed last summer in response to a call from long-term environmentalist and writer, Bill McKibben, who recognized that it was time for us, the elders, to bring our 60’s rabble- rousing voices, our wisdom and expertise, not to mention our time and our money, to bear on the urgent climate crisis.
If, like many of us, you feel the urgency of the moment but are not sure what you can do to bring about change, be reassured! We have specific things you can do now, in solidarity with your neighbors and with young and old all over the country.
After years of research and activism on the climate crisis, McKibben came to understand that one of the most effective actions we can take to limit carbon is to limit the power and credibility of the four big (bad) banks: Citi, Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America—the largest funders for fossil fuel expansion in the word.
Last month, UK bank HSBC, the 13th largest financier of fossil fuel exploration announced its credible timeline for divestment. That decision was made because of shareholder pressure. We want the big four banks here in the USA to follow in HSBC’s lead. To that end, we are planning an action you can take with us, here at home, on the first day of spring, which we hope will lend itself to just such an outcome.
Mark your calendars: On March 21st, Third Act will conduct a nationwide protest focused on those four banks. Here in Maine, we will hold that event in Monument Square in Portland where Chase and BOA have their biggest Maine locations. We will partner with other environmental and peace organizations.
We will be working all winter on putting it together. We imagine music, artwork, costumes, protest signs, press coverage and hundreds of us— the baby-boomers and silent generation, back in the streets again: fierce and caring; all of us chanting, protesting, speaking up about the existential crisis we face, refusing to be silenced.
We need help spreading the word: talking to friends, connecting with churches, civic groups. We need help with publicity, artists, writers, drivers, and we need that help now as we want to plan an awesome event!
Email us at if you want to offer help or find out how you can help. In a future newsletter, you may find clearer requests from us.
Despite the dire climate crisis, we hope to do this work guided by a sense of play, discovery and joy. Meeting new friends at this age is, the social scientists tell us, a critical factor for long life! Join up! Live longer! Save the climate!
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