For many Americans, the days since November 5 have been a struggle. We slogged through the increasingly dark days of November and December. Given the sweep of the election and the threats from those elected, we ask how to motivate ourselves for the next four years to continue the work for democracy and climate health. And what difference will it make?
Perhaps the solstice in the next few days can provide inspiration. We can rest and reflect quietly with a candle. We can think about our reasons to continue the struggle. For me, this includes the children and grandchildren in the world… the abundant life in the rivers and lakes of Maine… the moccasin flower in the woods behind my house… and the health of a beloved neighbor. Every day I hope to find another reason.
Then, ever so slowly, as the days become longer, I hope we can all reenergize. Let’s take care of ourselves and lean on each other. It’s our community that will support us and help us confront the new challenges ahead. —Nancy Greene
We’re Still Here, L.L. Bean
Third Act Maine continues to call on L.L.Bean to write an open letter to Citibank, telling them to stop funding new fossil fuel infrastructure. (Sign our petition here! We have 88 signatures, toward our goal of 200.) On Black Friday, Third Act Mainers stood in front of the L.L.Bean retail store with signs saying, “PATAGONIA PUTS PLANET OVER PROFIT”, and “L.L.Bean: WHAT ABOUT YOU?” The founder of Patagonia has created a trust to ensure some $100 million in profits each year are used to combat climate change and protect undeveloped land around the globe. A Patagonia outlet is just steps away from Beans.
Maine Sues Fossil Fuel Companies
In November Attorney General Aaron Frey announced he filed suit in state court against Exxon, Shell, Chevron, BP, Sunoco, and the American Petroleum Institute for deceiving Mainers about the role of their fossil fuel products in causing climate change. Here is the press release from his office. More than 20 states, tribes, cities, and counties have brought similar climate deception lawsuits to date.
Third Act Mainer’s Opinion Piece Published
In response to the Trump election, Dick Thomas from Waterville urgently called on Mainers to step forward and join Third Act Maine to protect the environment on behalf of their children. His opinion piece appeared in the Portland Press Herald on November 19.
Western Mountains Hub Sets New Year Agenda
In a post-election meeting, Western Mountains Hub set a course for their work ahead. They will continue to correspond with corporate executives of TD Bank about COP29 directives. They are also recommending that Third Act Mainers conduct an end-of-year review of investments, with a suggestion to remove any investments that support fossil fuel expansion. Information about a green credit card, Amalgamated, is being offered to those ready to switch credit cards away from Chase, Citibank, TD Bank, and others. And members are asked to sign the L.L. Bean petition against its Citibank credit card.
Finally, the Hub is following up on new connections with UMF students. These students helped get out enough votes to turn Farmington blue in the middle of the 2nd Congressional District and surrounding red counties. A meeting with students around peace and climate actions is in the works.
Calls to Action: Get Involved!
In the aftermath of the election, Third Act (national) has urged all of the working groups of Third Act to prioritize work at the state and local levels. We know the incoming federal administration is hostile to acting on climate (Trump dismantled more than 100 environmental rules during his first four years in office), so local and state level climate action is more important than ever. Here are some ways you can take action now.
Petition Maine Legislators
Send a message to the new Maine State House and Senate leadership urging them to prioritize climate action this legislative session. The group, Maine Conservation Voters, asks you to sign this petition NOW. It will be delivered to House and Senate leadership when the session begins in January.
Solstice Standout at L.L. Bean
Third Act Mainers are called to shed light on L.L. Bean at a standout on the Solstice, Saturday, December 21, from noon to 1 pm. Meet on the sidewalk in front of the Freeport retail store. We will have signs, continuing to tell L.L. Bean to confront Citibank about funding fossil fuels.
MainePERS Standout January 9
Third Act Maine standout protests will resume in front of Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS), 139 Capitol St., Augusta, on January 9, from 8:15 -9 am. We will greet the trustees as they enter the building for their monthly meeting.
A Divest Maine lawyer has sent a letter to MainePERS and the Attorney General, stating that failure to divest more significantly is illegal and violates the fiduciary responsibility to people who worked for the State of Maine. The legal deadline for divestiture is January 1, 2026, so some of us should have signs reading, “Only one year left to comply with the law.” Other signs are needed as well, and some signs will be provided.
It’s powerful when we have a big turnout, so invite a friend and carpool. If you’d like, join us for breakfast in Augusta afterward. Let’s enjoy this!
PFAS Petition for Brunswick
In August a fire suppression system at the former Brunswick Naval Air station malfunctioned and flooded a hangar with nearly 57,000 gallons of a mixture of water and a fire-fighting foam containing PFAS. Called “forever” chemicals, PFAS contaminate soil and water, and are known human carcinogens. They are linked to other serious health problems as well.
A new community group, Brunswick United for a Safe Environment, is petitioning MRRA, operators of the airport, to take immediate action to mitigate the effect of the spill on clean drinking water and Casco Bay. The group hopes you will sign the petition here.
Third Act Maine needs YOU!
YOU are enthusiastically welcomed to be an active volunteer with Third Act Maine. Brainstorm with Marcia Taylor, our Volunteer Coordinator! What kind of advocacy/activism calls to you?
You could be involved in current projects. Here are several examples:
Join the new Letters-to-the-Editor project Join our Climate Choir Join the small but mighty Communications Team and help us with the newsletter and/or social media Join our stand-outs in locations around the state Start a book club Work with a statewide lobbying group
Marcia wants to hear your ideas, too. Email her at
Writers Needed
The Third Act Maine communications team is looking for a few good writers. Do you like to write and/or edit? Join us on the newsletter crew. Are you tech and social media savvy? Come work with our social media team. Maybe you have an eye for inspiring art and poetry. We can use your help too. With our environment and our democracy facing greater threats under the new administration, now is a good time to get more involved. If you’re interested, email us at We’re looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our team.
Bricks… Steps… Pebbles…
Let’s take inspiration from Dorothy Day, journalist and social reformer:
People say, “What is the sense of our small effort?” They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time. A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread out in all directions. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that. No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless. There is too much work to do.