March to End Fossil Fuels This Sunday, September 17
Thousands will take to the streets in NYC on September 17, and here in Maine, we stand in solidarity with them, declaring a CLIMATE EMERGENCY in all three of our hub locations. Shortly thereafter, on September 20, the United Nations will be calling on world leaders to take real steps to lead us off fossil fuels to protect people and the planet. The U.N. Climate Ambition Summit will gather world leaders to commit to phasing out fossil fuels.
New Members’ Zoom Call Thursday, September 21, 7-8 pm
Meet and greet virtually, and get more involved. Please RSVP here to get the Zoom link so we know to expect you. Our numbers are growing. Let’s get to know each other!
Climate Migration to Maine: Panel Discussion on Thursday, Sept. 28
7:00 - 8:15 pm. Register here for the Zoom meeting.
What does climate migration, globally and to Maine specifically, look like? What are the trends and justice issues? What is needed, and what's already happening, to welcome current and future climate migrants to Maine? Sponsored by Maine Climate Action NOW! (MCAN), of which Third Act Maine is a member, and the Maine Immigrants’ Rights Coalition.
Pine Tree Power: Two Months Left!
We need to win the referendum issue on November 7. Help get the word out that CMP and Versant are owned by foreign companies that took $187 million from us last year, only to turn around and hike our rates, send out 94,000 disconnection notices, and give us the most frequent outages and worst customer satisfaction in the nation.
Sign up for a door-knocking shift on Mobilize. We’re in Lewiston on Wednesday nights, Brunswick and Belfast on Thursday nights, and in Portland every Saturday and Sunday morning.
Sign up to dial for energy democracy We make phone calls to voters together on Zoom (from the comfort of our own homes!) every Monday and Wednesday night.
Sign up for a yard sign! — They’ve just been delivered, and you can email to schedule a time to pick one up at locations across the state.
Sign up to send mass texts for Pine Tree Power—and email or text when you do so that Lucy can get you set up.
Sign up to use Empower to text your own friends about Pine Tree Power—if you need help, email or text
Join our movement on Slack—this is where movement-wide conversations happen and we connect with one another.
Get a friend to pledge to fight corporate power or post the link on social media!
If you have questions about the initiative, you can join our weekly Tuesday night education Zoom call to learn what exactly Pine Tree Power would look like. Feel free to post that link widely and invite your friends!
If you have questions about how to get involved or there is a way that you'd like to help that you haven't seen, please reach out to Lucy or one of the other organizers!
If you live in Cumberland or York county—reach Scott Dresser at
If you live in Androscoggin, Kennebec, Sagadahoc, Oxford, Franklin, Knox, Lincoln, or Waldo—reach Zach Birger at
If you live in Piscataquis, Penobscot, Aroostook, Washington, or Hancock, reach out to (just until the Bangor organizer starts)
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT)
Third Act Maine is developing a statewide action plan that seeks to educate the public and officials about the need to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Portland has passed this resolution, and the campaign has begun in Cape Elizabeth, South Portland, and Belfast. You can help!
Let us know your town if you decide to help:
The most important step is to gather signatures. Use the TAM petition template to make a petition for your town. A great place to gather signatures is at the polls on election day. Contact your town clerk to get permission for a table. And gather more signatures from friends, neighbors, and any organizations you belong to.
Ask to address your city council and present them with your petition signatures. Maine Youth Action has asked to be part of this effort and a representative may be able to attend with you. Be sure to send all council members
the FFNPT link explaining the treaty.
Ask your Maine representatives to support a similar joint resolution that will be
sponsored by Representative Rebecca Millet of Cape Elizabeth and co-sponsored by Senator Stacy Brenner of Scarborough. Give them copies of your petition signatures.
Greater Farmington Hub
We have a regular stand-out at TD Bank in Farmington each Friday at 12:30 pm. Join us! FMI:
Greater Portland Hub
We will have a stand-out in solidarity with March to End Fossil Fuels (in addition to Sunday) on Monday, September 18 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm at the intersection of Franklin and Somerset Streets. Signs provided. Please join us! FMI:
From “Worrier” to “Warrior”: Climate Teach-In a Success
Fifty folks came to Third Act Maine’s first Climate Teach-In in Freeport on September 7. The mix of learning, having lunch together, mingling, singing, and voting on favorite songs and images generated a warm ambiance. It was the first time many of us had ever met in person! Zoom is great, but at some point, there’s no substitute for an in-person smile and conversation. Here’s the talk from Annie Ropeik, climate reporter, for your viewing pleasure: “Finding Hope on the Climate Beat.” (Thank you, Martha Spiess, for videotaping.)
At our Climate Change Event in Freeport, I found a lot of hope and faith that we can take action to prevent the gathering storm that we see happening all around us and share a little joy doing it. We all have worked so much online. It makes an in-person event that much more special. At our teach-in I met so many Third Act Mainers from other towns along with the people I have been working with in the Portland area. It was in a wonderful venue at Wolfe’s Neck which just brings to mind how lucky I am to live in Maine. There was a smorgasbord of yummy cuisine—and enlightening ideas. There was a meeting of minds and hearts. It feels great to occasionally turn being a worrier into being a warrior. — Renee Givner
Keep It In the Ground
At the recommendation of one of our members, here is a pretty remarkable 5-minute video about why it is essential to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Increasing renewable energy alone won’t do it. To explore other short videos, go to