L.L. Bean Stand-Outs: Protesting Citi
The Greater Portland Hub's campaign continues to ask L.L. Bean to sever its connection with Citi and to inform shoppers about Bean's Citi complicity at the same time. Yes, if you have “Bean Bucks,” you’re inadvertently contributing to climate chaos by using a Citi credit card. Third Act Maine officially joined the Stand Out at the L.L. Bean flagship store on Black Friday and got press coverage! The Belfast Hub took part in the effort as well to educate shoppers about Citibank’s continued funding of new fossil fuel exploration projects. On election day, dozens of Belfast voters signed a petition of protest which has been sent to L.L. Bean’s CEO. So great!
What can you do to help in the L.L. Bean / Citi campaign?
Send a holiday greeting to Stephen Smith, the CEO of L.L. Bean, encouraging him to pressure Citi to stop their funding of new fossil fuel projects—and to make a public statement about his request. Address: Stephen Smith, CEO, L.L. Bean, 15 Casco Street, Freeport ME 04032. Let us know how good it felt to send that card! (Email us at ThirdActMaine@gmail.com)
Stand out with Bill Rixon and other Third Act Mainers in December! Email Bill Rixon (rixonw9@gmail.com) if you'd like to stand out with him in Freeport on a weekend day between now and Christmas.
Costco Stand-Out: Protesting Citi
Third Act Mainers greeted Costco shoppers in the Scarborough parking lot with the message: Don’t sign up for the Costco Citibank credit card. We tried to petition Costco customers, but in short order we were shooed off the premises by Costco’s management.
We knew we would be asked to leave the property, so we had a back-up plan. We lined up along the access road with signs welcoming shoppers and educating them about problem of the Citi credit card.

What can you do to help in the Costco / Citi campaign?
Stand out with us at Costco in Scarborough on Dec. 16, 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm. Rain/snow date will be Dec.15 if the weather forecast is better on that day. Meet-up place is on Scarborough Downs Road at the entrance to Costco, between Payne Road and the rotary.
Sign the national petition as part of Third Act’s national campaign, if you haven’t already. Here it is.
Chase Bank Protest
A brand new branch of Chase Bank opened in Yarmouth in late November, and Third Act Maine took notice. It was windy and cold, but over fifteen seniors bundled up and lined up along Route 1 in front of the bank with lots of signs to educate the public about the climate chaos financed by Chase Bank. It was a particularly well-organized protest, thanks to Bill Rixon. Bill instigated this action and wrote a heart-felt plea for people in Third Act Maine's Greater Portland Hub to show up (see his letter below). He contacted the media--and two media outlets showed up. He also wrote a letter to the bank manager and hand-delivered it to a teller inside the bank.

What can you do to help in the Chase Bank branch campaign?
Join us at Chase Bank in Yarmouth: Dec. 9, 9 - 10 am. Park in the Hannaford's parking lot.
If you have a Chase credit card, cut it in half and send us a photo of you doing this great act! (ThirdActMaine@gmail.com)
Saving Us Book Group in Mid-January: Mark your calendars!
Third Act Mainer Marcia Taylor is offering a new online book group to read Saving Us by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. Learn how to talk effectively to fellow citizens about the climate emergency. Read and reflect with a lively bunch of people as concerned as you are. Six sessions, January through March. Contact ThirdActMaine@gmail.com and Marcia will be in touch to share details.
Puzzlement, Plea, and Hope from Third Act Mainer, Bill Rixon
Bill McKibben founded Third Act on the idea that those over 60 could risk arrest at climate actions without risking their employment future because their careers were mostly behind them. Well, Third Act Maine is not asking members to risk arrest—not even close.
But my hope is that more Third Act Maine members will come out for actions at Costco, L.L. Bean, and Chase Bank, and other venues. I understand that standing outside for an hour on a cold and blustery winter afternoon is hard for some of you—but surely more of you can come!
I’ve been standing out with other Third Act Mainers in Greater Portland for a while now. It feels good for my soul—and my sanity. In talking with several of the leaders about why the actions are compelling just four, or six, or ten people to come out (when there are over 170 members in the area), it occurred to me that maybe some of you need more support.
Put a note in the comments on this blog if you’d like someone to call you to explain how it works, or if you need a ride, or if you need a conversation about whether or not these actions make a difference.
Or maybe you want an “ALL-IN” call from Third Act Maine so we can talk about our strategy and planned actions together. If you’re feeling shy and would rather talk to someone at Third Act Maine more privately, you could also just email ThirdActMaine@gmail.com.
Please know that your presence at our Stand-Outs really makes a difference! You may find that it feels good for your soul and sanity, too.
Getting Back in Touch with Nature
Third Act Mainer Kathleen Sullivan took part in the Costco protest in Scarborough on Nov. 19 and stood with Third Act Mainers on Main Street in Freeport right in front of L.L. Bean’s on Black Friday, Nov. 24. She was also there on opening day of the Chase Bank branch in Yarmouth in late November. She chronicles the Costco and L.L. Bean actions—and much, much more in her own blog post, Hugging Trees on Black Friday. We link it here with her blessing, and encourage you to subscribe to her blog if you’d like to read more!
Quiet Appreciation
Reflections of trees and open sky in the patterns of ice and water
Very helpful (and hopeful) newsletter! The specific suggestions for what we can do are a great idea. Please continue doing this. I also like seeing a personal voice like Bill Rixon's included. Nicely done.