Introducing Third Act Maine!!
Please join other Elders in Maine as we work together to address the dual threats to our democracy and all life on our planet.
Dear Mainers,
Thank you for expressing an interest in our newly forming group, Third Act Maine. Many of you stopped by our table at the Common Ground Fair. It was great to meet you there!
Third Act is a new national group—founded by writer and climate activist Bill McKibben—focused on organizing “experienced Americans” over sixty to change the world for the better and leave a worthy legacy. Third Act Maine is the local Working Group and we are reaching out to invite you to join with us in addressing the dual threats to our climate and democracy. We elders are called to act because we feel a deep sense of moral responsibility towards present and future generations that requires us to speak out and act now.
We urge you, if you feel, as we do, that we Elders are called to act, to please fill out this form. We will use it to connect with you around your interests and concerns.
Many of our generation feel this same imperative, but aren’t sure what effective actions they can take. Older Americans are dependable voters and we hold 70% of the wealth in the US. So, we can muster our political and economic power to move Washington and Wall Street, and work locally in the name of a more just and sustainable society and planet. We back up the great work of younger activists, and we make “good trouble” of our own.
The big four banks—Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo—are bankrolling the climate crisis with your money, savings, and credit cards. Since the Paris Climate Accord was signed, these banks have invested trillions in the dirty fossil fuel industry undermining their empty promises.
Just like we have choices to lower our personal carbon footprint by choosing a fuel-efficient or electric car (or riding your bike)—and pushing for systemic change from automakers and policymakers—we have choices for where to put our money and what credit cards we use.
Based on the recent Carbon Bankroll report, we see that the cash invested by big banks in dirty projects produces way more carbon emissions than the direct emissions from driving, heating, flying, and other operations of businesses. If you have savings or checking of $62,5000 in these big banks, your cash generates as much carbon as the average American emits in 6 months of driving, heating, flying, and cooking. Where you put your money can outweigh the rest of your carbon footprint!
Third Act has launched its Banking on our Future campaign to pressure the big four banks to stop investing in fossil fuels. We are asking you to join with elders all over the country and take the Banking on our Future Pledge:
“If by the end of 2022, Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, or Wells Fargo are still funding climate destroying fossil fuel projects, I pledge to cut up my credit card and close my account. If I don’t bank at these institutions now, I pledge I won’t do so in the future.”
The Banking on our Future page at third is filled with information about this pledge and other credit cards you can switch to, as well as lots of resources about the banks and divestment. The Pledge is not only for elders but can be made by any adult so please reach out to friends and family and ask them to join the campaign.
Third Act and Third Act Maine will be offering more resources and training in the coming months on how to make the switch. But we don’t want anyone to make the switch yet! We want to put the banks on notice first, and if they don’t move their money then we will move ours - all together! - so the banks will see and feel our big collective impact. Third Act and many partners will be planning a national day of action - so stay tuned!
There is much work to do and there is “No Time to Waste!”
Third Act Maine Coordinating Committee