Sizzling in New York City
Third Actors from all across the Northeast (including seven from Maine) and from as far away as Colorado participated in the Summer of Heat in New York City on June 13. More than 200 elders assembled at early in the morning at a pocket park, then marched to Citibank’s world headquarters. Some were dancing, some were walking with canes, and some were carrying rocking chairs, but everyone moved with purpose, determination, and joy. Here’s a video to capture some of the spirit—with Third Act Mainer Marcia Taylor visible toward the end! Marcia Taylor led the group in singing:
People gonna rise like the water Gonna shut this bad bank down. I hear the voice of my great granddaughter, Saying: ‘Keep it in the ground.’
At the plaza, protesters were met by NYPD officers in riot gear who were armed and ready to arrest anyone who refused to disperse. By the end of the morning protest, 60 elders were arrested for blocking entrances to the bank. The rest remained in the Citibank plaza singing, “making good trouble,” and educating Citibank employees and passersby. At the end, a small army of elders left the plaza singing “This little light of mine.”
Here are some reflections from the Third Act Mainers who participated:
“So many elders were committed to a healthy future for Mother Earth and their grandchildren that they were willing to be arrested. The joy on their faces was contagious.” —Kathy Mikulka
“I was struck by the solidarity and courage of elders against the awesome power of Citibank and the NYPD.” —Tom Mikulka
“I was particularly moved to see people with limited mobility getting arrested. Their courage and commitment will keep me going! If some of us were fearful, we acted in spite of fear. Elders showed, and will continue to show, that we are deeply committed to changing course before it’s too late. I knew I was making a difference that is mine to make.” —Marcia Taylor

Elders Day in Farmington

And in Augusta

Fired Up by Ideas
Three Third Act Mainers traveled to Amherst, MA, in early June for the "New England Convergence." Led by Third Act organizers B Fulkerson and Anna Goldstein, elder climate activists from New England, Pennsylvania and New York got pretty fired up and energized as they heard about what each other was doing.
Some of the best interactions took place before and after formal sessions where folks shared their backgrounds and why they were drawn to Third Act. The group ranged from seasoned activists to newbies. Spirited entertainment was provided by TAM’s Marcia Taylor who had everyone singing the Citibank song.
In the final session, Bill McKibben joined the group for breakfast and gave an overview about the grave danger to democracy and the short time that is left to transition from fossil fuels.
Registering Voters at LGBTQ events
Electing candidates who will address climate change is vital in November. All local, state and national races are at stake, and Third Act Maine is looking at ways to get out the vote in the coming months.
In June Tom and Kathy Mikulka worked with several members of Southern Maine Voter Team (SoME VoTe) to register new voters at Gay Pride events. Fourteen were registered in Brunswick on June 8, and over 140 were registered in Portland on June 15. Most registered as Democrats, and some as Independents. The best news: Many young folks said they already were registered and intended to vote.
In August, SoME VoTe will register students at all Maine public colleges.
Climate Action in the News: What’s Working, What’s Not
“A fight against the climate.” That’s a comment from a member of the Maine Climate Council in a comprehensive article in the Portland Press Herald. Scientists and working groups weighed in on all aspects of climate change, from heat waves to pollen counts, and showed that some climate action goals are far from being reached while others are closer. The Council will set new goals for the second installment of Maine Won't Wait, the state's climate action plan. Read the article here.
July 4: Protest at L.L. Bean in Freeport, 9:15 am - 11:00 am. July 11: Protest at MainePERS in Augusta, 11 am - 1:00 pm September 5: Statewide gathering of Third Act Maine in Waterville, 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Join the Protest at L.L. Bean on the Fourth of July

Third Act Mainers will set up banners on the sidewalk in Freeport on Main Street in front of the L.L. Bean flagship store at 9:15 am on July 4—imploring L.L. Bean to cut its relationship with Citibank (which is the 2nd worst bank on the planet for funding new fossil fuel projects). Iit’s another way of being patriotic—to the planet! FMI:
Large MainePERS Rally on July 11
A short note and request from Third Act Maine’s co-facilitator, Cletis Boyer:
Hi Third Actors! I'm attending Divest Maine's event, “Rally for Fossil Fuel Divestment” on July 11. Please sign up now to join me! RSVP here. Hope to see you there!
Saving Democracy and the Planet: Save the date on Sept. 5!

When: Thursday, September 5, 10:30am - 3:30pm Where: Universalist Unitarian Church, 69 Silver Street, Waterville
Our second annual statewide gathering will be held right after Labor Day. We’ll meet people from all four Hubs (Greater Farmington, Midcoast, Greater Portland, and Central--Waterville area), have a couple of workshops, hear a speaker, and break bread together – all to fire us up to protect democracy and save the planet. RSVP here.
A Moment to Be Still and Listen
When the animals come to us, asking for our help, will we know what they are saying? When the plants speak to us in their delicate, beautiful language, will we be able to answer them? When the planet herself sings to us in our dreams, will we be able to wake ourselves and act? --Gary Lawless From Caribou Planet, Blackberry Books, 2015. Reprinted with permission.
Thanks everyone for making good trouble and for this great newsletter. ❤️