Just three weeks away! It’s promising to be a lovely event, rain or shine. PLEASE RSVP here for the September 7 Climate Teach-In as there is important info for you on this document. See you there!
For those unable to attend on September 7, come to a virtual Meet & Greet on Zoom on September 21. If you’re already part of Third Act Maine, great. Come and meet others! Or spread this invitation to your friends so they can get involved. It’s a chance to meet Third Act Maine organizers, ask questions, and help chart our future. Copy this link into your calendar for Thursday evening, Sept. 21 at 7 pm. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85274641476?pwd=U0dtNmhFbHgydVNvNVBPV05qSUpDdz09
In the News
Portland Passes the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
Portland City Council passed the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative on August 14 by unanimous vote. The FFNPT was an outcome of COP27, this year’s U.N. Conference on the climate. Third Act Mainers held signs at the front door of City Hall and sang climate songs. They then joined members of the Portland community to testify about the importance of joining with cities and states—as well as countries around the world—to recognize the danger of continued use of fossil fuels. The resolution was introduced by the Portland Law School Energy and Environment Society. Third Act Maine is pursuing similar resolutions around the state.
March to End Fossil Fuels, NYC on September 17
An enormous climate crisis rally will take place in New York City on September 17. Third Act is mobilizing its members–with many other organizations. The target of the march is the Climate Ambition Summit, organized by U.N. Secretary General Guttierez. The march will demand that President Biden take bold actions to stop fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. and beyond. We expect that elders will be near the front of the one-mile march with indigenous and front line people and youth. Twelve NYC labor organizations are participating, a major breakthrough for our climate movement.
Third Act Maine plans to be there with other Maine groups, and we are coordinating with those groups on transportation. Email Chuck (charlesspanger@gmail.com) if you are interested in going, and we’ll help figure out transportation, lodging, and logistics.
Legislative Action
Pine Tree Power. Third Act Maine is getting behind the Pine Tree Power referendum, and we encourage all TAM members to dedicate at least three hours to phone banking and/or canvassing. Opportunities to volunteer are happening in every corner of the state. Explore and sign up here, and send us an email (ThirdActMaine@gmail.com) to let us know how it went!
Fossil Free Finance Act. This summer we’ve seen so many climate extremes: deadly heat waves, destructive flooding, devastating wildfires, hot-tub oceans, and more. These impacts will only get worse if we keep investing in the companies responsible for the climate crisis.
We urge you to support the Fossil Free Finance Act in Congress, an act that will require big banks to stop financing greenhouse gas emissions. Contact your Congressional representatives and urge them to support and co-sponsor this bill. Easy to do here: https://thirdact.org/act/support-fossil-free-finance-act/.
The Fossil Free Finance Act would require Big Banks to cut their financing of greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and stop all financing of emissions by 2050. Furthermore, this bill would require the Big Banks to write and execute plans, enforceable by the Federal Reserve, to stop financing new or expanded fossil fuel projects—like the Willow Project in the Arctic—after 2023. This legislation is an important piece of the strategy to prevent hundreds of projects like the Willow Project from getting off the ground. Big Banks that fail to meet these requirements could be fined or lose their deposit insurance.
Here in Maine, representatives from Third Act Maine, Maine Youth Action, Sierra Club, Public Citizen, and Maine Climate Action Now (MCAN) met with Lisa Pahel, staff person for Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, to discuss the Fossil Free Finance Act. Pingree is a strong supporter of climate action and is working to build a coalition to support the bill.
Midcoast Maine Hub
“The American public is clearly catching on much faster than Bank of America,” concluded Belfast’s own Republican Journal after Third Act Maine’s Stand-Out on July 21st. “Bank of America: Stop Investing In Fossil Fuels” signs drew more honks than ever from people in passing cars. About two dozen folks participated, including a bicycle posse.
Climate scientist/activist Peter Kalmus joined us for the Stand-Out. The previous evening, he spoke at a Belfast climate event about the need for a climate emergency declaration, and for people to go beyond their comfort zone in addressing the climate crisis.
Stand-Outs strengthen our resolve and build camaraderie. Join us for the next one: Stand-Out to protest Bank of America’s continued funding of new fossil fuel projects. Friday, August 25, 1:00 - 1:30 pm. Meet in front of the Bank of America sign on Route 3 in Belfast.
Farmington Action
Farmington is getting interested in Third Act Maine, and it would be a welcome new hub for activity in our state. Many in the community expressed interest in fighting climate change at our Summer Fest outreach on July 22, and we’ve organized a “Meet & Greet” on August 16 to widen the circle.
Join us for Farmington’s first Stand-Out to protest TD Bank’s continued investment in fossil fuels, including tar sands. Saturday, August 26, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Meet in front of TD Bank, 163 Broadway, Farmington.
Thank you for this week's letter! It was super informative. I am proud of the Portland City Council for signing on to the Fossil Free Non Proliferation Treaty. I am hoping other Maine Cities and towns will sign up as well. Also hope to see lots of Third Act Members at the Climate Teach-In in Freeport!