Amping Up the Current for Pine Tree Power
With Only Weeks to Go before the Nov. 7 Election, We're Pulling Out All the Stops
Third Act Maine Hosts Bill McKibben
Over 100 people turned out to hear Bill McKibben last Saturday in Portland. He was laser focused on the importance of Referendum Question 3, Maine’s opportunity to create a consumer-owned utility, Pine Tree Power. With passion, flair—and muscle!—McKibben made the case. Hear him here!
“In our efforts to save our climate, the hour is late and the need is urgent. Maine’s proposal for a consumer-owned utility offers a model for transforming a nation and a world seeking solutions to the crisis of our era.”
Legislator Seth Berry, who sponsored the Pine Tree Power bill in 2021, was joined on stage with his father, David Berry, and Pine Tree Power organizer Lucy Hochschartner, to sing great new lyrics to a familiar Woody Guthrie song, Union Maid. Environmental policy advocate and educator Sue Inches gave a brilliant history lesson about how we got here, with two foreign-owned corporations in charge of our power. And there was more music, including an original composition from Sara Trunzo based on Mainers’ testimony about their woes with CMP and Versant—and from Third Act Mainers Marcia Taylor and Chuck Spanger. Afterwards, many took yard signs and signed up to help Pine Tree Power educate voters with canvassing and phonebanks. You can help, too, by volunteering here.

Inspired by the evening, Kathleen Sullivan (Third Act Mainer and founder of FreeportCAN) wrote Who Do You Trust On the Pine Tree Power Question?
Greater Portland Hub
We’re standing out in support of Pine Tree Power, urging folks to vote YES on Referendum #3 on November 7. We have signs! FMI:
Oct. 20 at Franklin St (by Whole Foods), 4 pm Oct. 27 at Franklin St, 4 pm Oct. 30 at South Portland side of Casco Bay Bridge, 7:30 am Nov. 1 at South Portland side of Casco Bay Bridge, 7:30 am Nov. 3 at Franklin St, 7:30 am
Midcoast Hub
TONIGHT, Oct. 17 at 7 pm in Belfast, there is a City Council meeting to discuss the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty proposal.
Midcoast folks have also been letter writing in support of Pine Tree Power, contributing to the cause, and encouraging others to do so. You can, too! Here’s the link to donate to Pine Tree Power.
On Friday, Oct. 20 from 1-2:30 pm, there is a Stand-Out in front of Bank of America. Third Act Maine Midcoast folks have been setting up Pine Tree Power signs around Belfast, too.
Greater Farmington Hub
We have a regular stand-out at TD Bank in Farmington each Friday at 12:30 pm—and a presence at the weekly Farmers Market. Join us! FMI:
Needed: Writers, Editors
Our Communications Team can use your help! If you have a couple of hours every couple of weeks, we could use you! FMI:
Third Act (National) Introduces the No Time to Waste Fund
Third Act Maine does not ask for your money. But Third Act (national) could use your help. They have set a goal to raise $500,000 by the end of the year.
The No Time to Waste Fund will help ramp up organizing work to support 60,000+ Third Actors plus allies coast to coast—from staffing and training, to events and digital support. With your investment, they can build a mighty force of volunteers in all 50 states, especially in vulnerable communities and hot spots, that works for a just and sustainable America while building a legacy of a brighter future for everyone and our planet. Your generosity will help Third Actors respond quickly—as needed, when needed, where needed.
Please consider donating to the No Time to Waste fund here. Thank you!
Hey Third Act Maine: I somehow didn't know you had a Substack newsletter. You might be interested in the Pine Tree Power essay I wrote recently: Thanks for doing such good work.
Outstanding work! Thanks so much.